If you work with NHibernate, you are probably familiar with its best practices. When working with WCF we need to maintain UnitOfWork and transactions. There is a library that makes this integration seamless: NHJump by James Lanng and Richard Penrose.
Marking your service class with an attribute will do the magic:
Marking your service class with an attribute will do the magic:
- will create a unit of work per request
- will open a transaction
- will commit it at the end of the request or rollback it if an exception was thrown
[ServiceContract]public interface IPersistenceService { ... }[UnitOfWork]public class PersistenceService : IPersistenceService { ... }
Sounds nice? It has also ASP.NET MVC integration.
Samples can be found on SVN repository:
or can be downloaded from Continuous Integration server (zipped)
Available on nuget:
PM> Install-Package NhJump.Persistence